
A Bible prophecy seminar that explains things before they happen and shows you how to live in these challenging times.


We believe that the Bible is the authoritative Word of God. It tells of Jesus, how to live, and what to believe as truth. In it there are prophecies that are even now coming to fulfillment.

Jesus lived a perfect life for us and died to take the penalty for our sins, so He can forgive us and give us eternal life with Him.

God loves everyone and gave us His only Son to save us from our sins, if we will accept the gift.


The Holy Spirit is in the process of changing the willing follower of Jesus and making them more and more like Jesus. As we study the Bible and follow it, He supplies the power to change the willing follower from the inside out.

Bible prophecy is clear. God is going to end the problem of sin and suffering. We believe that Jesus will rescue His people from this earth and take them to heaven to live with Him there. He will also raise the dead to life at His return for a huge celebration/reunion with Him in the clouds. At the end of the 1000 years (Revelation 20) God will create a new heaven and a new earth and we will forever be with Him with no sin, pain, or suffering. This is the good news that prophecy points us forward to. In the meantime, as one Bible prophecy after another is fulfilled, we should realize that God’s rescue could be very soon!


We believe that Jesus will rescue people from many different backgrounds and that they will all be trusting in Jesus as their Savior and the Bible as their authority. Some may have a much fuller understanding of God’s Word than others, but the point is they are fully surrendered to what God has revealed to them. Said another way, the good news is God knows your heart, the bad news is God knows your heart. God overlooks ignorant sin but not known, rebellious sin. This is why in these times we should lovingly follow everything we find in God’s Word.


We should each do all in our power to share God’s love and truth with as many people as possible.


Tim loves God and is committed to following Him and His Word, the Bible. Around 2000, Tim began to study Daniel 11 in depth. By 2011 Tim’s first book was published and he left 25 years of pastoral ministry and began a full time traveling ministry – Daniel 11, Islam and Christianity Prophecy seminars. Tim has an M Div. degree and speaks internationally at conferences, pastors meetings, & seminars.


Tim is married to Karen and they have raised their four children to adulthood. Now they travel together in ministry. They both love God’s creation and love to garden, hike, canoe, camp and backpack. In the past they did a lot of rock climbing, caving, and rafting – mostly in youth ministry. They have also parented 40+ foster children.

After over 20 years of studying Daniel 11, Tim is still growing in his understanding. The basic understanding has not changed. Actually, the book revisions where not to change what he said before but to update it because the things he said to watch for were now happening. However, Tim has learned a tremendous amount about the details from the text. For him the text is the final authority. Many of the changes in nuance have come from interacting with scholars who have agreed or disagreed with him. Tim is serious about his search for truth.