Part 5 – Third and Final Conflict
This covers Daniel 11:40-45 and how much of it is already happening in current conflict between Radical Islam and their Allies vs The Christian West and their allies.
The following free study guides and resources are for your use to deepen your understanding of Bible Prophecy.
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This covers Daniel 11:40-45 and how much of it is already happening in current conflict between Radical Islam and their Allies vs The Christian West and their allies.
This explains who are the Allies of the Kind of the North and the South. This also includes the role of the USA in Prophecy
This covers the role of Israel in Daniel 11 and also in the New Testament.
This study guide covers from the time of Christ through the Ottoman Empire. There are 15 points of identification of the King of the North. It points out the first 2 periods of conflict between Islam and Christianity.
These 10 study guides give the Bible texts used in our video 10 part series. This study guide gives a side by side description of Daniel’s prophecies with the Historical fulfillment. This guide covers the time of Daniel and the Persian empire to the time of Jesus in the Roman empire. It also contains a gospel presentation on how to accept forgiveness and eternal life from Jesus.
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