The Houthi Threat

Timothy Roosenberg

I am watching with interest the ongoing conflict between the Houthis of Yemen (a radical Islamist group) and the United States Navy. The Houthis have been attacking merchant ships and US ships in the Red Sea. So far several merchant ships have been damaged but the US warships and aircraft have not been hit. However, they have shot down many drones and missiles coming at them and have sunk at least 3 Houthi boats. The Houthis are saying they are attacking to show support for Hamas and Iran. If the Houthis cause serious damage to a US craft, this conflict could globalize quickly.

Islam y Cristianismo en la Profecía — Libro


Acerca del libro – Los titulares son inconfundibles Nuestro mundo está al borde de extraordinarios cambios cataclísmicos.
El conflicto entre dos grandes religiones mundiales—el islam y el cristianismo—se está acercando rápidamente a un clímax devastador que sacudirá al mundo entero.

Islam y Cristianismo en la Profecía — Libro electronico

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Book: Thomas Tillam – The Seventh-day Sabbath Sought Out and Celebrated